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Java Linear Algebra Uses


Getting Started

Getting Started

First, ensure you have the Jar file downloaded and added to your Java project. You can download the file here. You can also review the documentation for the library here. Once you have done that, create a class and begin using the library.

Creating a Complex Number 

Creating a Complex Number

This library can handle real or complex matrices. So if you would like to create a complex matrix, you will need to know how to create a complex number. Begin by importing linalg.complex_number.CNumber.

import CNumber.PNG

Now we can begin creating complex numbers. Several constructors are offered to facilitate the creation of complex numbers. Here are some basic ones.

Basic Constructors CNumber.PNG

And here we can see each of the numbers created by printing them out.

Basic Constructors CNumber Results.PNG

You can also create complex numbers with Strings. Here are some examples.

String Constructors CNumber.PNG

Here we can see each of the numbers created using the String constructors.

String Constructors CNumber Results.PNG

Creating a Matrix 

Creating a Matrix

The first thing you will need to do is import the linalg package at the top of your file so you can use the classes in the package. Most methods in the library are accessed through the Matrix class.


There are many constructors offered. We will begin by showcasing some of the basic ones.

Basic Constructors.PNG

Here are the matrices created from each of these constructors.

Basic Constructors Results.PNG
Basic Constructors Results.PNG
Basic Constructors Results.PNG
Basic Constructors Results.PNG
Basic Constructors Results.PNG

It is also possible to create matrices from data, specifically 2D arrays. These arrays can be of type int, double, String (following the style of the complex number String constructors), or CNumber. If you are going to use a CNumber array, ensure that you have imported linalg.complex_number.CNumber. Below are some examples of creating a matrices with 2D arrays.

Matrix data constructors.PNG

And here are the resulting matrices.

Matrix data constructors results.PNG

Manipulating Matrices 

Manipulating Matrices

After a matrix has been constructed, you can manipulate the values in several ways. We will work with the four zero matrices B, C, D, and E that were created in the previous section. Each example will be working with the respective zero matrix. First, you can set the value at a specified index of a matrix.

Set Value.PNG

Now we can print out the matrices and see the results.

Set value result.PNG

Rather than setting one element at a time, it is possible to set the values of the entire array at once, using an array. Note that the array must have the same dimensions as the matrix.


Here are the updated matrices.

setValues Results.PNG

You can also set a section or "slice" of a matrix by specifying the starting index for the row and column and for the upper left of the matrix containing the new values. The matrix of new values must fit in the matrix based on the starting indices.


And here are the updated matrices.

SetSlice Results.PNG

You can also use the setCol() and setRow() methods similarly by passing a 1D array or a Vector. For more see the documentation.


You can also reshape and flatten a matrix. The reshape method will change the dimensions of the matrix. Note, the new dimensions must have the same number of elements as the original matrix. The flatten method will flatten the matrix to have either a single row or a single column vector.


Here is the output of the above program.

faltten results.PNG

There are many other manipulations that can be performed on matrices including, converting to a diagonal matrix, a triangular matrix, an upper Hessenburg matrix, swapping rows and columns, and removing rows and columns. For more on these functions see the documentation.

Operations With Matrices 

Operation With Matrices

First, we will create some matrices to use for the following matrix operations examples.


Next, we will see examples of the simple arithmetic operations addition and subtraction. For these two operations, the matrices must have the same shape.


We can also multiply two matrices if the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix.


These operations, along with division, can also be performed with scalar values.


There is also the ability to transpose or conjugate-transpose (Hermation adjoint) a matrix. Note, if the transpose is applied to a complex matrix it will not take the complex conjugate.


It is possible to easily compute the Frobenius inner product between two matrices.


Also, determinants can be computed for real or complex matrices.


These are just a few examples of operations that can be performed using this library. For more operations see the documentation.

Solving Systems of Equations 

Solving Systems or Equations

Solving a system of equations is a breeze using this library. The hardest part is forming the coefficient matrix and vector of constants. Consider the following system of equations and the corresponding coefficient matrix and vector of constants.


We can then create the matrix A and the vector b using the library. Then, we can use the Solver class to solve the system. The results are stored in a Matrix (or Vector if desired) x and printed out. 


You can also solve a system using various decompositions and the forward and backward solve methods if you desired. See documentation for these methods.

Matrix Decompositions

Matrix Decompositions

This library provides several matrix decompositions. Some of the important ones are listed here. See below for the matrices that will be used throughout the Matrix Decomposition section.


LU Decomposition

The LU Decomposition decomposes a matrix A into a unit lower diagonal matrix and an upper diagonal matrix. That is A=LU. The code below decomposes the matrix A into L and U. Then A, L, and U are printed out. Then, to ensure that the decomposition is correct, we check if L times U is equal to A. Because floating-point arithmetic can introduce small errors, we round the result of L times U.


The results of this program are shown below.


The PA=LU and PAQ=LU decompositions are also available in this library. See the documentation for more.

QR Decomposition

The QR Decomposition decomposes a matrix A into an orthogonal (or possibly unitary if complex) matrix Q and an upper triangular matrix R. That is A=QR. The code below computes the QR decomposition of the matrix A and prints out A, Q, and R. Then, to ensure that the decomposition is correct, we check that A=QR (within 7 decimal places to account for floating-point error) and that Q is orthogonal.


Here are the results of the program.


We can also compute the QR decomposition of a non-square and/or complex matrix. We will compute the QR decomposition of matrix B as an example using the code below. To ensure the decomposition is correct, we check that B=QR (within 7 decimal places to account for floating-point error) and that Q is unitary.


And here is the output of the program.


Cholesky Decomposition

The Cholesky decomposition decomposes a Hermitian, positive-definite matrix C into the product of a lower triangular matrix L and its conjugate transpose L*. That is C=LL*. See the code below for an example of computing the Cholesky decomposition of the matrix C.


Schur Decomposition

The Schur decomposition decomposes a matrix D into the product of a unitary matrix U (such that the columns of U are the eigenvectors of D), an upper triangular matrix T (with the eigenvalues of D along the diagonal) in complex/real Schur form and the conjugate transpose of U. That is D=UTU* By default, T will be in the complex Schur form. An additional boolean argument can be passed to Decompose.schur(Matrix, boolean). If set to false, T will be in real Schur form. The code below provides an example of computing the Schur decomposition of the matrix D. We verify the product UTU* equals D (within 7 decimal places to account for floating-point error).


And here is the output of the program.


Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors


Computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors is trivial using this library. You could compute the Schur decomposition and extract the eigenvalues and vectors but there are also dedicated methods for finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The example below demonstrates finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors separately.


Both the eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be computed at the same time. See code below for an example.

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