Interactive Image Processing Graphs
Here you can explore a few Desmos graphs featuring gamma correction (using power law) and Linear Contrast Stretching.
Interactive Image Processing Graphs
Here you can explore a few Desmos graphs featuring gamma correction (using power law) and Linear Contrast Stretching.
Interactive Image Processing Graphs
Here you can explore a few Desmos graphs featuring gamma correction (using power law) and Linear Contrast Stretching.
Here you can explore several Desmos graphs featuring distributions, permutations/combinations, and regression. For the best experience, view these graphs on a computer rather than a phone.
Here you can explore several Desmos graphs featuring distributions, permutations/combinations, and regression. For the best experience, view these graphs on a computer rather than a phone.
Here you can explore several Desmos graphs featuring distributions, permutations/combinations, and regression. For the best experience, view these graphs on a computer rather than a phone.
Java Machine Learning Library (JML)
JML is a simple and easy-to-use machine learning in Java.
The primary goal of this library is to provide several accessible, virtually interchangeable, machine learning models for Java. Train these models on a dataset and use them to make predictions on real-world data.
This library uses the Java Linear Algebra library to satisfy any linear algebra needs. It is highly recommended that you also have the .jar file for this library as well.
Fit and train a variety of models
Regression models
Linear regression
Multiple linear regression
Polynomial regression
Classification models
K-Nearest neighbors
Logistic Regression
Neural networks
Activation functions
ReLU (rectified linear unit)
tanh (hyperbolic tangent)
Loss Functions
Mean squared error
Binary cross-entropy
Multi-class cross-entropy
Gradient descent
Add learning rate schedulers to the optimizer
Use trained models to make predictions on new data
Save and reuse trained models
Save a trained model to a file for later use
Load a saved model and make predictions with it
Manipulate Data
Read and write data from and to a file
Encode text labels
Split data into training and testing sets
Normalize data
Standardize data
Compute statistics of data
Standard Deviation
Where you can see examples.
To see how to use the library, see the examples provided on this site here.